For Your Information

For Your Information

Dear readers, I will be frank with you. I've run out of motivation to keep this blog going. It's become increasingly hard for me to keep…

127. Holidays part 1

I was desperately searching the web yesterday.
For a good photo collage maker.
To do something with all the photos I took in Greece.
You know that growing pain of your wrist
 when you just keep scrolling down the page of the blog you're reading
because (unfortunately for you) the blogger decided to make the photos extra large?
(The sadist.)
Well, that is what I want to prevent.
And I will love you 'till eternity if you agree with me.
Big hug?

Hmm, I'm thinking...shall I post all the photos at once?
No, I think that I'll do two parts.
Maybe it's not such a good idea to cause a photolavine
after just two days of being back on the blogger platform...
I suppose you're HAPPY NOW???

1. me (obviously) 2. a tiny waterfall next to the restaurant were we stopped on our way to Korakovouni 3. my luxurious  bed 4. our house 5. the restaurant with the waterfall 6. one of the many cats of Greece 7. my bro, two sisters and cousin playing cards 7. ice cream and leafs 8. Billie Holiday sang me to sleep at noon.

1. Ruins in Rome 2. Our front door in Korakovouni 3. Tortoise baby 4. View out of my room 5. Tortoise egg (not hatched) 6. Reading Greek Lucky Lukes in the kitchen 7. new bag (I'll post about her one of these days) 8. Book I read (and am still reading!!!) 9. Bougainvillea that is impersonating some kind of ivy.
~ To Be Continued ~

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Maira Gall