88. From Now On

 Last week I read this post on IFB and this sentence stuck in my mind:  
A well-written sentence will give your readers incentive to go on to your next sentence, and so on.
Because, how does someone achieve this result? My writing is something special to me, I enjoy making sentences, talking on paper (or on the web in this case) and just twaddle meaningless. You can't imagine how difficult it is to take your head to rest if you have exactly an idea of what to write in dutch, but you get stuck with english, wanting your text to be *just* perfect.

My english isn't great, I know. People have said on other blogs that they have the impression that I JUST LOVE TO TALK ABOUT MYSELF. That I'm pompous. And although I surely am egocentric to some extend, it more often happens that my sentences give the IMPRESSION of being 'braggy about my knowledge'. Because, what you say in dutch or in greek may seem to be strange when you say it in english.

 Well, I guess that I just wanted to explain myself about that. Surely this was also the reason that I refrained from writing for my babe (this blog). I didn't have something to write about (isn't this the problem that all we bloggers have? :P ) and didn't have good photo's to show either. And I decided that I will keep pausing for a while if I think the content that I have to show isn't that great, 'kay? Confessing that I'm rather an ENORMOUS perfectionistttttt....lalala.

But I think that it is time now to start again and keep writing rubbish and be creative. It is one of the things that makes me unbelievably happy. What also makes me happy is reading all the twaddle of the bloggers I follow through Bloglovin and who inspire me every day. You can also take a look at them if you click on the link that will direct you to my Bloglovin' profile and where you will find the whole bunch of crazy people, YEAH! Here!!!

And you can always shout at me when you're getting tired of my sayings....just do not rise your voice too much, haha! ;)

No photo's for this post!!! How cool and educative is that?

♥♥thank you for reading my blabla and enjoy your stay in Monsterland ♥♥
oxox me

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© Miriam versus Monster
Maira Gall