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For Your Information

Dear readers, I will be frank with you. I've run out of motivation to keep this blog going. It's become increasingly hard for me to keep…

124. Event

The NL Confidential party was last Friday
and I couldn't believe my luck when my parents gave me permission to go
and stay at a good friend of mine afterwards!
I am sooo happy that I was able to be part of the Amsterdam night life,
even if it was only for one night.
The fashion show itself wasn't anything that I expected it to be,
but it are the people who make the party great.
I met some really nice new people,
I spent a great time with my friend,
we bought ourselves some really good fast food after the party,
we didn't sleep before 5 am (no parents, no limits!),
it was the first time I felt so grown-up
(omg, to manage to get into the train
without anyone around you to tell you
what to do was incredibly scary
and cool at the same time!).

What do you need more? :)

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Maira Gall